Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Curve of Pursuit....not!

Well, there it is...the sort of disaster. The silk/cotton yarn just didn't take to the pattern that I bought at all. I decided that I could do it by crocheting it and love the pattern...I might even write it up if anyone is interested. The picture isn't very good because I have it hung from the top corner. I'll try and get a better picture outside this weekend if I get a chance. Anyway, the disaster is the colors. They aren't anything like the quilt I was basing it one...which I can't show you because I took a picture at the Internation Quilt show and I don't have permission to post it. Anyway....I have now decided to switch to another pattern that I will be able to use the same colors but it will look better. I have to buy a few more colors...and can't use all the colors I that means more yarn for my stash!!! Oh well......


Anonymous said...

The pattern is way cool even if the colors aren't perfect! Please do post the pattern sometime. How large is this?

alyshajane said...

I don't think it's a disaster at all, it looks great! Looks complicated to make, too!

sarah said...

I third it: not a disaster, it's a first draft. The design is brilliant -- do it again in different colours, write it up, then if there's a crochet equivalent to knitty or magknits, submit it.

Go on, fame awaits :-)

Anonymous said...

I agree that it is NOT a disaster. I like it!! I totally agree with Sarah and think it's amazing you came up with the adaptation so quickly!!! You are sooooo talented and smart!!!

Knittingmummy said...

It looks great to me. You are a very multi talented girl aren't you

Sarah said...

The pattern looks great. Really unique.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the comments. I'll be writing up the pattern when I get a chance....but you know how that is around this time of the year!!!!

Anonymous said...

I really love the pattern, it'd be so great if you'd post it one day!