Sunday, August 31, 2008

Secret Pal question

I’m sure most of us have a proudest moment when it comes to knitting. A project or technique that you’ve tackled and completed beautifully. What is your proudest knitting moment??

And on the flip side? What is the one thing that you can’t get right? What is that one project that you’ve never been able to complete? Or that you did complete but then hid away instantly because it was too embarrassing?

Well, this is an interesting one. I have to say that my proudest knitting moment was my first sweater. I had never made a sweater for myself because of my big arms. But I was able to get it to fit and it is nice and bright and a wonderful sweater to wear.

On the flip side are socks. I've tried several times to make me socks, but they are always too small. The last ones were given to a friend because they ended up being a 4 (6 US) instead of a 8 (10 US) keep trying!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Thanks Secret Pal

I thought I had already posted about these....aren't they beautiful? I've got another package to post about when I get a chance to take a pic.

Been busy reorganizing and hanging new curtains in the living room. I'll have a pic of that soon too!

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Secret Pal Question....

Have you ever entered your knitting (or anything else) in the fair? NO!!!
Would you ever consider it? Not on your life. They do have what they call "Shows" here per county. But you have to be so perfect that there is no way I would put myself through that! Long ago, in a time far away, I was in 4-H and my grandmother helped me make a skirt and headkerchef.....hmmmm...that was the 70's ya know! I one blue ribbon, though I didn't think I sewed it up very well, but my cookies that everyone loved got a second......go figure!!!! Put me off!

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

What have I been up to?

I picked up a couple rug kits while we were on vacation. This is locker hooking, which I'm enjoying very much. I hope you don't mind the YouTube link, but it really shows you how to do it. I'm using some green fabric that I had tried to make a rug from before and some shirts that I've "grown out of". Actually, I need some more...might have to do some charity shopping tomorrow!

Monday, August 04, 2008

Secret Pal Question #8

What is your favorite supper for a hot summer evening?

Hmmmm....I would have to say BBQ. I miss that actually, because we don't have one. Corn on the cob...with chicken or a burger with BBQ sauce....making my mouth water....sigh...another thing I miss the US for...yes I know I could have a BBQ here...but it wouldn't be the same, especially with all the rain we are having!